Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wholefoods Free Food Mondays

Monday is normally Corinne's cooking night. She gave us advanced notice that she couldn't cook for us this Monday, so we could plan accordingly.

I had been meaning to try the Free Food Mondays at Wholefoods just to see what it was like.

The people were spicy and well seasoned, the food was bland.

I started a conversation with two guys ahead of me in line when one of them, Calin, I think it was (Calvin without the 'v,' he said), was giving an impression to his friend of a British accent from some movie I had never heard of. I ended up talking about all of the American stereo types and debunking almost everyone of them. I never thought about it this way until I spoke with them: as an American I am at a severe disadvantage culturally. American pop culture is world renowned, but Australian's pop culture is something I have to learn as I go.

It was good fun, but when we got our food and sat down to take our first bite, we discovered that though it was a simple spaghetti and tomato sauce dish it was the most bland spaghetti I have ever tasted. The only reason I knew I was even eating was because I felt the texture of the noodles in my mouth. I know it's free food, but how much does it cost to add a little salt, something to make it "tastable."

At least I enjoyed good company.

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